The Ultimate 12 Week CrossFit Program (Free PDF)

We’re proud to announce our ultimate 12 week CrossFit Program that is designed to improve your cardiorespiratory capacity, stamina, endurance, and strength.

This program is for all fitness levels and abilities – beginners or advanced individuals alike. Whether you’re CrossFit-curious and thinking about joining or just want to get better at CrossFit in general, this workout plan is for you!

Jump to the program or download the free PDF using the link below:

12 Week CrossFit Program In a Nutshell

Program styleCrossFit
Program duration12 weeks
WOD duration1 hour
Scheduling5 days a week
GoalIncrease strength and conditioning
LevelBeginners to advanced
Equipment neededBarbell, bumper plates, pull up bar, kettlebells, dumbbells, rower, bike erg, ski erg, gymnastics rings, plyometrics box, medicine ball, ab mat, climbing rope, skipping rope, resistance bands, foam roller, parallette bars

Will This Program Help me Build Muscle?

This CrossFit Workout Plan can definitely help you build muscle mass. Look at these buff dudes below.

Crossfit bodies

The guy in the middle is Rich Froning, arguably the greatest CrossFitter to ever live, won the CrossFit Games 4 times in a row. The guy on the left, Matt Chan and the tank on the right, Jason Khalipa are also both seasoned CrossFit athletes.

Now, we’re not saying you’re going to end up looking like these dudes after 12 weeks, but you’d be developing the foundational skills and strength to be able to!

CrossFit incorporates a plethora of traditional and Olympic weightlifting methodologies as part of its training as well as plenty of bodyweight and calisthenics type exercises that all lead to muscle gains and lean bulk.

Although this program is only for 12 weeks, you will notice a difference in your body composition by the end of it. Treat this workout plan as a stepping stone for you to take up CrossFit beyond this program so that you to take your muscle gains to the next level!

Can Beginners Do This Program?

Yes of course! This CrossFit program is for beginners as much as it is for seasoned CrossFit athletes.

We understand that not everyone will be at the same level of abilities. And it’s the reason why CrossFit is so awesome – it’s inclusive of everyone regardless of fitness levels.

If you’re a beginner and feel like some of the WODs in this program might be a little overwhelming, by all means, scale it! This just means modifying aspects of the workout to suit your current abilities. Examples include:

  • Lowering the prescribed weights. If you can’t deadlift 100kg, change it to a weight you can deadlift.
  • Lowering the number of required reps. If you can’t do 100 air squats, then do 50.
  • Scaling the movement. If you can’t do a handstand push up, then do pike push ups instead.

There are no WODs in this CrossFit program that a beginner cannot do.

So, we encourage you to please scale the workouts if needed to take full advantage of the program’s benefits. We would prefer that you did not miss any of the workout days if possible.

Program Structure

When devising this 12 week program, we found it imperative that we preserve the fundamental trait that makes the discipline of CrossFit so unique: constantly varied functional movements done at high intensity. At the same time we also wanted to make sure that the workouts we program all satisfy the following criteria:

  • Promotes new skill development
  • Combines multiple exercise modalities
  • Includes technical movements, and
  • Activates all 3 metabolic pathways

So we went back to the roots of CrossFit and obtained inspiration from the original CrossFit programming template[1]. This template not only embraces the criteria we listed above but also breaks down all CrossFit movements and groups them into 1 of 3 modalities:

  1. Gymnastics (G)
  2. Metabolic conditioning (M)
  3. Weightlifting (W)

In the CrossFit program we designed, we will be referring to these modalities as G, M, and W, respectively. Each modality on their own improves one’s fitness capabilities in different ways. But as a combination, they form a potent mix that will help increase agility, bodyweight control and coordination, cardio capacity, and strength and power.

If 12 weeks is too long for you, please check out our other CrossFit programs:

Movements Used in the Program

Below are the list of movements you will be performing as part of this 12 week program categorised into their respective modalities:

GymnasticsMetabolic ConditioningWeightlifting
Air Squats
Handstand Push-ups
Rope Climbs
Box Jumps
Toes to bar
Double Unders
Wall Balls
Back Squats
Front Squats
Overhead Squats
Clean and Jerks
Medicine Ball Drills
Kettlebell Swings
Deadlift High-pulls
Man makers
Exercises by Modalities

Program Scheduling

The scheduling used in this program will go by the 7-day week and will apply a 3-1-2-1 pattern. This means:

  • 3 days on
  • 1 day rest
  • 2 days on
  • 1 day rest

We split a two day rest after the 3rd and 6th days to break up the WODs because it’s important to allow time for rest and recovery.

The WOD formulated for each workout day will include 1, 2, or 3 movements from each modality and will be run in various formats that include: Tabata, EMOM, RFT, and AMRAP, just to name a few.

The entire program will run for 12 straight weeks and broken up into 3-week blocks where each subsequent block is progressively more difficult than the previous.

Program BlockWeekDifficulty LevelComments
Block 11-31Will only involve simple movements
Block 24-62WODs become more intense
Block 37-93Includes Olympic weightlifting with barbell
Block 410-124Includes more advanced movements like muscle ups

Each 3-week block will look like this:

Wk 1WM
Wk 2MG
Wk 3GW
G = gymnastics, M = cardio, W = weighlifting

The weekly WOD schedule is structured as follows:

  • The first and sixth day of each week will involve a movement from a single modality.
  • The second and fifth days of each week will consist of two movements each from a different modality.
  • The third day will consist of three movements each from a different modality.

We believe that this workout structure and varied combination of modalities will allow for maximum intensity without overtraining the body as well as provide a perfect blend of skill, strength, and conditioning.

The daily workout will consist of the following elements in chronological order:

  1. Warm up. Gets the blood pumping and stimulates the muscles in anticipation for the grilling it’s about to receive! We provide specific warm up exercises tailored for the movements to be performed on the day.
  2. Mobility. Prepares the muscles that are going to be utilised for the movements to be performed in the workouts so that range of motion is maximised and risk of injury is minimised.
  3. Strength/skills. Focuses on exercises that will help complement the upcoming WOD.
  4. WOD. The main workout that implements the scheduled modalities for that day. This will be intense but the previous phases would have prepared you well to allow you to perform at your best.
  5. Cool down. Helps take your heart rate back down to normal and usually involves stretching.

All of these elements work together to facilitate and complement the targeted modalities for that day.

Can I Scale the WODs in this Workout Plan?

Yes of course! Not everyone will be at the same level of abilities and we would prefer that you did not miss any of the workout days if possible.

That’s why we encourage you to scale the workouts if needed to take full advantage of the program’s benefits.

The 12 Week CrossFit Program

Block 1

Week 1

Day 1 (W)
WarmupRun 400m
MobilityBanded kneeling lat stretch
Skill/strengthBarbell upright rows
5 x 8 reps
(build up in weight if capable)
WODEMOM 10 mins
5 KB swings
(53# / 35#)
5 Goblet squats
CooldownFloor lat stretch
EquipmentResistance band, barbell, bumper plates
Day 2 (M,G)
WarmupBike 20 cals
MobilityRoll out quads with foam roller
Skill/strengthDumbbell lunges
5 x 5 reps (each leg)
(build up in weight if capable)
8 Wall balls
(20# / 14#)
12 Overhead plate lunges (total) (25# / 15#)
CooldownCouch stretch
EquipmentBike, dumbbells, wall ball, bumper plates, foam roller
Day 3 (W,M,G)
WarmupRow 20 cals
MobilityStanding hamstring stretch
5 x 5 reps
(build up in weight if capable)
WOD5 Rounds for time
5 Deadlifts
(135# / 95#)
10 Burpees
15 Box jumps (24″ / 20″)
CooldownHurdle stretch
EquipmentRower, barbell, plyo box, bumper plates
Day 4 (REST)
Day 5 (W,M)
WarmupSki 20 cals
50 single skips
Mobility20 shoulder dislocates
Barbell front rack stretch
Skill/strengthFront Squat
5 x 5 reps
(build up in weight if capable)
WOD5 Rounds
5 Front Squats
(110# / 75#)
200m sprint
Rest 1 min
CooldownCouch stretch
EquipmentSki erg, skipping rope, broomstick, barbell, bumper plates
Day 6 (G)
WarmupRun 200m
Row 200m
MobilityBanded overhead lat stretch
Skill/strengthStrict pull ups
5 x 5 reps
(scale with bands if necessary)
WOD3 Rounds
Max effort kipping pull ups

Rest 1 min
CooldownWall lat stretch
EquipmentRower, resistance band, pull up bar
Day 7 (REST)

Week 2

Day 1 (M)
WarmupRow 200m
MobilitySpiderman with thoracic rotation
Skill/strengthDumbbell bent over row
5 x 8 reps
(build up in weight if capable)
WOD5 Rounds
Max effort 250m row

Rest 2 min
CooldownSlow 400m on bike
EquipmentRower, dumbbells, bike
Day 2 (G,W)
Warmup100 single skips
MobilityRoll out triceps
Skill/strengthRing dips
3 x 8 reps
WOD4 Rounds for time
10 Push ups

10 Deadlifts (95# / 65#)
CooldownSpine lumber twist stretch
EquipmentSkipping rope, rings, barbell, bumper plates
Day 3 (M,G,W)
Warmup50 Air squats
200m run
MobilityRoll out quads
Skill/strengthBack Squat
5 x 8 reps
(build up in weight if capable)
WODFor time
100 KB Sumo high pulls
(44# / 26#)
50 burpees
50 wall balls
CooldownPigeon stretch
Couch Stretch
EquipmentFoam roller, barbell, bumper plates, kettlebell, wall ball
Day 4 (REST)
Day 5 (M,G)
WarmupRun 400m
MobilityRoll out calves
Skill/strengthTabata hollow rocks
Double unders

Sit ups
CooldownStanding wall calf stretch
EquipmentSkipping rope, rings, barbell, bumper plates
Day 6 (W)
Warmup10 Kip swings
20 Shoulder dislocates
MobilityRoll out triceps
Skill/strengthSnatch grip deadlift
5 x 5 reps

(build up in weight if capable)
WOD5 Rounds
20 DB snatches

Rest 2 min
CooldownSpine lumber twist stretch
EquipmentBroomstick, foam, roller, pull up bar, barbell, bumper plates, dumbbell
Day 7 (REST)

Week 3

Day 1 (G)
Warmup20 Shoulder dislocates
Run 400m
MobilityRoll out lats
Skill/strengthPush press
5 x 8 reps

(build up in weight if capable)
WOD7 Rounds
5 Handstand push ups

Rest 1 min
CooldownKneeling lat stretch
Downward dog hold
EquipmentBroomstick, foam roller, barbell, bumper plates
Day 2 (W,M)
Warmup50m Crab walk
15 Squat thrusts
MobilityRoll out triceps
Wall chest stretch
Skill/strengthWeighted dips
5 x 5 reps

(build up in weight if capable)
WOD3 Rounds for time
10 Bench press
(90# / 65#)
30 Wall balls
CooldownStanding quad stretch
Downward dog hold
EquipmentPull up bar, broomstick, foam roller, barbell, bumper plates, bench, wall ball
Day 3 (G,W,M)
Warmup20 Air squats
20 Scap pull ups
MobilityRoll out quads & lats
Skill/strengthWeighted pull ups
5 x 5 reps

(build up in weight if capable)
7 Wall balls
7 KB swings
7 Push ups

Rest 1 min, then into

3 min AMRAP
8 KB Sumo deadlift high pulls (53# / 35#)
4 Pull ups
2 Burpees
CooldownCouch stretch
Wall lat stretch
EquipmentPull up bar, weight belt, foam roller, wall ball, kettlebell
Day 4 (REST)
Day 5 (G,W)
20 Scap pull ups
10 Wall squats
MobilityRoll out triceps & lats
Banded overhead lat stretch
Skill/strengthSpend 20 min to find
1RM Bench press
WOD12 min ascending ladder AMRAP
3 Power cleans
3 Jumping pull ups

6 Power cleans
6 Jumping pull ups

9 Power cleans
9 Jumping pull ups

CooldownStanding quad stretch
Banded lat stretch
EquipmentPull up bar, foam roller, barbell, bumper plates
Day 6 (M)
Warmup2 Rounds
200m Run
20m Walking lunges
MobilityRoll out hamstrings & calves
Standing hamstring stretch
Skill/strengthRing rows
5 x 10 reps

(as horizontal as possible)
WOD10 Rounds
100m Sprint

Rest 30 sec
CooldownHurdle hamstring stretch
Wall calf stretch
Day 7 (REST)

Block 2

Week 4

Day 1 (W)
WarmupBike 10 cals
Row 10 cals
MobilityRoll out quads
Skill/strengthBack squat
4 x 10 reps
(build up in weight if capable)
WOD5 Rounds for time
10 Front squats
(135# / 95#)
15 KB swings (53# / 35#)
CooldownCouch stretch
EquipmentAssault bike, rower, foam roller, barbell, bumper plates, kettlebell
Day 2 (M,G)
WarmupSki 20 cals
20 burpees
MobilityRoll out quads with foam roller
Skill/strengthFront squat
4 x 10 reps

(build up in weight if capable)
200m run

24 Sit ups
10 Push ups
CooldownCouch stretch
EquipmentBike, dumbbells, wall ball, bumper plates, foam roller
Day 3 (W,M,G)
WarmupRow 20 cals
MobilityStanding hamstring stretch
Skill/strength15 min EMOM
Min 1 – 10 Ring dips

Min 2 – 10 push ups
Min 3 – 7 KB push press (each arm)
1 Rope climb

2 Power cleans (135# / 95#)
10 Burpees
15 Box jumps (24″ / 20″)
CooldownHurdle stretch
EquipmentRower, barbell, plyobox, bumper plates
Day 4 (REST)
Day 5 (W,M)
WarmupSki 20 cals
50 single skips
Mobility20 shoulder dislocates
Barbell front rack stretch
Skill/strengthStrict press
5 x 5 reps
(build up in weight if capable)
WODFor time
15 Push presses (110# / 65#)
200 m run
10 KB swings
400 m run
10 KB swings
(53# / 35#)
200 m run

15 Clean and jerks (135# / 95#)
CooldownCouch stretch
EquipmentSki erg, skipping rope, broomstick, barbell, bumper plates
Day 6 (G)
WarmupRun 200m
Row 200m
MobilityBanded overhead lat stretch
Skill/strengthSpend 12 mins
Bar muscle up practice
WODFor time
100 Pull ups
(10 push ups every 2 mins)
CooldownWall lat stretch
EquipmentRower, resistance band, pull up bar
Day 7 (REST)

Week 5

Day 1 (M)
WarmupSki 200m
100 single skips
MobilitySpiderman with thoracic rotation
Skill/strength20 min to find
1RM Deadlift
WODFor time
100 Double unders
800m walk with plate over head (45# / 35#)
200m walk with 2 plates in pinch grip
(35# / 25#)
400m walk with plate over head
200m walk with 2 plates in pinch grip
100 Double unders
CooldownRoll out calves
EquipmentSki erg, skipping rope, barbell, bumper plates, foam roller
Day 2 (G,W)
Warmup100 single skips
MobilityRoll out lats and triceps
Skill/strengthBench press
3 x 8 reps
WODFor time
(135# / 95#)
Ring dips
CooldownRoll out lats and triceps
Spine lumber twist stretch
EquipmentSkipping rope, rings, barbell, bumper plates
Day 3 (M,G,W)
Warmup50 Air squats
200m run
MobilityRoll out quads
Skill/strength3-3-2-2-1-1 (12 min time cap)
(build up in weight)

and then

3 Rounds
Max effort Deadlifts @ 80% of highest weight` from above
WODAMRAP 15 mins
30 Double unders
40 Air squats
10 DB snatches
(50# / 35#)
CooldownPigeon stretch
Couch Stretch
EquipmentFoam roller, skipping rope, dumbbells
Day 4 (REST)
Day 5 (M,G)
WarmupRun 400m
MobilityRoll out calves
Hollow rocks
Push ups
WOD4 Rounds
10 Sumo deadlift high pulls
(110# / 95#)
400m Run
CooldownStanding wall calf stretch
EquipmentFoam roller, barbell, bumper plates
Day 6 (W)
Warmup10 Kip swings
20 Shoulder dislocates
MobilityRoll out triceps
Skill/strengthBack squat
5 x 5 reps

(build up in weight if capable)
WODFor time
30 DB snatches
(50# / 35#)
30 KB swings (53# / 35#)
30 DB Thrusters
CooldownSpine lumber twist stretch
EquipmentBroomstick, foam, roller, barbell, bumper plates, dumbbell, kettlebell
Day 7 (REST)

Week 6

Day 1 (G)
Warmup20 Shoulder dislocates
Run 400m
MobilityRoll out lats
Skill/strengthAccumulate 3 min in
L-sit and hand stand
(may use wall)
WODFor time
Handstand push ups
Pull ups
Toes to bar
CooldownKneeling lat stretch
Downward dog hold
EquipmentBroomstick, foam roller, pull up bar
Day 2 (W,M)
Warmup50m Crab walk
15 Squat thrusts
MobilityRoll out quads
Wall chest stretch
Skill/strengthClose grip bench press
5 x 10 reps

(build up in weight if capable)
WODFor time
Push press
(95# / 65#)
Push jerk

Wall balls (x3 reps)
CooldownStanding quad stretch
Downward dog hold
EquipmentPull up bar, broomstick, foam roller, barbell, bumper plates, bench, wall ball
Day 3 (G,W,M)
Warmup400m run
20 Barbell good mornings
MobilityRoll out hamstrings
Skill/strengthRing pull ups with false grip
5 x 5 reps

(weighted if capable)
400m Run
40 Deadlifts
(135# / 95#)
30 Hand release push ups
20 Burpees
10 Toes to bar
CooldownSpine lumber twist stretch
Roll out lats
Wall chest stretch
EquipmentFoam roller, rings, barbell, bumper plates, pull up bar
Day 4 (REST)
Day 5 (G,W)
WarmupRow 250m
Ski 250m
MobilityRoll out quads and triceps
Skill/strengthBent over row
10 x 10 reps

(build up in weight if capable)
9 Box jumps
9 Push presses (135# / 95#)
9 Ring dips
CooldownCouch stretch
Wall lat stretch
EquipmentRower, ski erg, foam roller, plyo box, rings, barbell, bumper plates
Day 6 (M)
Warmup400m Run
250m Row
MobilityRoll out quads and calves
Skill/strengthTurkish get ups (with kettlebell)
5 x 5 each arm

(build up in weight if capable)
WOD5 rounds
(1 min on, 1 min off)
1st minute: Burpees to target
2nd minute: Jumping lunges with wall ball
CooldownPigeon stretch
Couch stretch
EquipmentKettlebell, foam roller, wall ball
Day 7 (REST)

Block 3

Week 7

Day 1 (W)
WarmupBike 10 cals
Row 10 cals
MobilityRoll out quads and lats
Skill/strength4 Round complex of
4 Strict presses
3 Push presses
2 Push jerks
1 Split jerk
(build up in weight if capable)
WOD5 Rounds for time
10 Push presses (110# / 80#)
10 Sumo deadlift high pulls
10 Hang power cleans
CooldownCouch stretch
EquipmentAssault bike, rower, foam roller, barbell, bumper plates
Day 2 (M,G)
WarmupSki 20 cals
20 kip swings
MobilityRoll out lats and triceps
Skill/strengthWeighted pull ups
5 x 5 reps

(build up in weight if capable)
5 Pull ups
10 Ring dips
15 Wall balls
20 Lunges
CooldownStanding quad stretch
Wall lat stretch
EquipmentSki, foam roller, weight belt, pull up bar, rings, wall ball
Day 3 (W,M,G)
Warmup400m Run
20 push ups
MobilityRoll out triceps with barbell
Roll out quads and calves with foam roller
Skill/strength4 Rounds
Max Ring dips
super set with…
Max DB Bench presses
WOD3 Rounds

400 m run
Max Double unders

KB Push jerks (20/16)

Push ups

Med ball cleans

(rest 3 min between rounds)
CooldownHurdle stretch
Wall calf stretch
EquipmentRower, rings, dumbbells, skipping rope, kettlebells, medicine ball
Day 4 (REST)
Day 5 (W,M)
Warmup20m crab walk
20 cal row
Mobility20 shoulder dislocates
Barbell front rack stretch
Skill/strength10 Rounds
Squat clean
4 Front rack lunges

(build up in weight if capable)
WODFor time
800m run
10 Power snatches
(110# / 65#)
400m run
10 Power snatches
200m run
10 Thrusters
100m run
10 Thrusters
CooldownCouch stretch
Supine twists
EquipmentRower, broomstick, barbell, bumper plates
Day 6 (G)
Warmup20 Scap pull ups
20 Kip swings
MobilityBanded overhead lat stretch
Skill/strength3 Rounds
Max effort Pull ups
12 Handstand push ups
15 Pull ups
CooldownWall lat stretch
EquipmentResistance band, pull up bar
Day 7 (REST)

Week 8

Day 1 (M)
Warmup2 Rounds
20 Air squats
10 push ups
MobilitySpiderman with thoracic rotation
Standing quad stretch
Skill/strengthHang power cleans
5 x 3 reps

(build up in weight if capable)
30 Wall balls
20 Burpees
CooldownPigeon stretch
EquipmentBarbell, bumper plates, wall ball
Day 2 (G,W)
Warmup250m Run
250m Row
250m Ski
MobilityRoll out thoracic spine
20 shoulder dislocates
Skill/strengthHang squat snatch
5 x 2 reps

(build up in weight if capable)
WODFor time
50 KB swings (28kg / 20kg)
40 Overhead squats
(95# / 65#)
30 Hang power cleans
20 Pull ups
10 Toes to bar
20 Pull ups
30 Hang power cleans
40 Overhead squats
50 KB swings
CooldownRoll out lats and triceps
Spine lumber twist stretch
EquipmentRower, ski erg, broomstick, kettlebell, pull up bar, barbell, bumper plates
Day 3 (M,G,W)
Warmup50 Air squats
200m run
MobilityRoll out quads and lats
Skill/strength4 Rounds
Max strict pull ups
super set with…
10-15 Bent over barbell rows
8 Power cleans
(175# / 120#)
8 Toes to bar
8 Bar facing burpees
CooldownPigeon stretch
Couch Stretch
EquipmentFoam roller, pull up bar, barbell, bumper plates
Day 4 (REST)
Day 5 (M,G)
WarmupRun 400m
15 KB Swings
20 KB Push presses (10 each arm)
MobilityRoll out calves and lats

Rest 3 mins then…

WODFor time
100 Double unders
2 Handstand push ups
80 Double unders
4 Handstand push ups
60 Double unders
6 Handstand push ups
40 Double unders
8 Handstand push ups
20 Double unders
10 Handstand push ups
CooldownStanding wall calf stretch
EquipmentKettlebell, foam roller, rower, skipping rope
Day 6 (W)
Warmup20 KB swings
20 Shoulder dislocates
MobilityRoll out triceps
Barbell front rack stretch
Skill/strengthEMOM 10 mins
2 Hang clusters

(build up in weight if capable)
WODFor time
30 Power snatches
(95# / 65#)
30 KB swings (53# / 35#)
30 Thrusters
CooldownSpine lumber twist stretch
EquipmentKettlebell, broomstick, foam, roller, barbell, bumper plates, dumbbell
Day 7 (REST)

Week 9

Day 1 (G)
Warmup20 Shoulder dislocates
Run 400m
MobilityRoll out lats and triceps
Skill/strengthEMOM 12 mins
Min 1: 30 sec L-sit
Min 2: 10-30 sec Isometric chin up hold
WOD3 Rounds for time
10 Ring dips
15 Hand release push ups
45 Ab mat sit ups
CooldownKneeling lat stretch
Downward dog hold
EquipmentBroomstick, foam roller, parallette bars, pull up bar, rings, ab mat
Day 2 (W,M)
Warmup50m Crab walk
15 Squat thrusts
250m Row
MobilityRoll out quads
Wall chest stretch
Skill/strengthClean and jerk

(build up in weight if capable)
WOD3 Rounds
1 min at each station for max reps
Front squats
(65# / 50#)
Assault bike
Wall balls
Push jerks

(Rest 1 min in between rounds)
CooldownStanding quad stretch
Downward dog hold
EquipmentRower, foam roller, barbell, bumper plates, wall ball
Day 3 (G,W,M)
Warmup400m run
20 Barbell good mornings
MobilityRoll out hamstrings and quads
Skill/strengthRing push ups
5 x 10 reps
WOD3 Rounds for time
5 Deadlifts
(265# / 175#)
10 Burpees over bar
20 Box jumps
30 Wall balls
40 Sit ups
30 Jumping lunges
20 Air squats
10 KB Sumo deadlift high pulls
(45# / 20#)
5 Ring dips
CooldownSpine lumber twist stretch
Roll out lats
EquipmentFoam roller, barbell, bumper plates, pull up bar, plyo box, kettlebell, rings, wall ball
Day 4 (REST)
Day 5 (G,W)
WarmupRow 250m
20 kip swings
MobilityRoll out quads and lats
Skill/strength6 Legless rope climbs
WOD7 Rounds
EMOM 3 mins
Min 1: 10 Pull ups
Min 2: 5 Hang power cleans
Min 3: 2 Full clean and jerks
CooldownCouch stretch
Wall lat stretch
EquipmentRower, pull up bar, foam roller, rope, barbell, bumper plates
Day 6 (M)
Warmup400m Run
250m Row
MobilityRoll out quads and calves
Hurdle hamstring stretch

(rest 2 mins max in between sets)
(as heavy as possible)
WOD4 rounds
500m row (max effort)

(3 min rest between rounds)
CooldownPigeon stretch
Supine twists
Couch stretch
EquipmentKettlebell, foam roller, wall ball
Day 7 (REST)

Block 4

Week 10

Day 1 (W)
Warmup400m Run
MobilityRoll out thoracic spine
20 shoulder dislocates
Banded lat stretch
Skill/strengthSnatch balance
5 x 3 reps
(build up in weight if capable)
WODFor time
30 Sumo deadlift high pulls
(65# / 45#)

30 Front squats
30 Hang squat cleans
30 Power snatches
30 Overhead squats
CooldownSupine twists
Couch stretch
EquipmentFoam roller, broomstick, resistance band, barbell, bumper plates
Day 2 (M,G)
WarmupSki 15 cals
Row 15 cals
MobilityRoll out lats and triceps
Skill/strengthAccumulate 100 push ups
(in as little sets as possible)
WOD5 rounds for time
20 Wall balls
10 Burpees box jump overs
20 V-ups
CooldownStanding quad stretch
Wall lat stretch
EquipmentSki, rower, foam roller, wall ball, plyo box
Day 3 (W,M,G)
Warmup400m Run
20 jumping lunges
MobilityRoll out triceps with barbell
Banded overhead lat stretch
Wall chest stretch
Skill/strengthAccumulate 75 Hollow rocks
Accumulate 5 mins Plank
WOD3 Rounds
50 Wallballs (20# / 14#)
5 Ring muscle ups
40 Toes to bar
4 Ring muscle ups
30 Thrusters
(95# / 65#)
3 Ring muscle ups
20 Burpees
2 Ring muscle ups
10 Hand release push ups
1 Ring muscle up
CooldownCouch stretch
Downward dog
EquipmentFoam roller, resistance band, wall ball, rings, pull up bar, barbell, bumper plates
Day 4 (REST)
Day 5 (W,M)
Warmup20m crab walk
20 cal row
Mobility20 shoulder dislocates
Barbell front rack stretch
Skill/strengthEMOM 12 mins
Min 1: 6 DB Snatches
(3 each arm)
Min 2: Ski 10 cals
WODFor time
(110# / 75#)
40 Double unders
(in between rounds)
CooldownBanded lat stretch
Couch stretch
EquipmentRower, broomstick, barbell, bumper plates, dumbbell, ski erg, skipping rope
Day 6 (G)
Warmup20 Scap pull ups
20 Kip swings
MobilityBanded overhead lat stretch
Skill/strength20 Seated box jumps
WOD3 Rounds for time
20 Pistol squats
15 Handstand push ups
10 Box jump overs
5 Bar muscle ups
CooldownWall lat stretch
EquipmentResistance band, pull up bar
Day 7 (REST)

Week 11

Day 1 (M)
Warmup2 Rounds
250m row
MobilityQuad stretch
Skill/strengthBack squats
7 x 3 reps

(at 80% of 1RM)
WOD1000m row
then straight into…
2 min max cals on bike
CooldownCouch stretch
EquipmentRower, barbell, bumper plates
Day 2 (G,W)
Warmup250m Row
20 Kip swings
Mobility20 shoulder dislocates
Skill/strengthClean and jerk
Find heavy double
WODFor time
Bar muscle ups
Clean and jerks
(155# / 100#)
CooldownRoll out lats and triceps
Spine lumber twist stretch
EquipmentRower, broomstick, pull up bar, barbell, bumper plates
Day 3 (M,G,W)
Warmup50 Air squats
200m run
MobilityRoll out quads and lats
Banded lat stretch
Skill/strength8 Rounds
Power snatch + Hang power snatch
(rest 90 secs in between rounds)
WODFor time
100 Double unders
50 Push ups
30 DB snatches alternating
(55# / 35#)
20 Chest to bar pull ups
30 DB snatches
50 Push ups
100 Double unders
CooldownPigeon stretch
Couch Stretch
EquipmentFoam roller, resistance band, pull up bar, barbell, bumper plates, skipping rope, dumbbells
Day 4 (REST)
Day 5 (M,G)
WarmupRun 400m
20 KB Swings
MobilityRoll out triceps and lats
Skill/strengthAccumulate 3 min L-sit hold from bar
12 Toes to bar
15 Box jumps
Goblet squats
(55# / 35#)
CooldownWall lat stretch
EquipmentKettlebell, foam roller, pull up bar, plyo box
Day 6 (W)
Warmup20 KB swings
20 Shoulder dislocates
MobilityRoll out triceps
Barbell front rack stretch
Skill/strengthBench press
5 x 8 reps

(build up in weight if capable)
75 Hang power cleans
(65# / 45#)
50 Push presses
25 Hang power snatches

(4 burpees every minute)
CooldownSpine lumber twist stretch
EquipmentKettlebell, broomstick, foam, roller, barbell, bumper plates
Day 7 (REST)

Week 12

Day 1 (G)
Warmup20 Shoulder dislocates
Run 400m
MobilityRoll out lats and triceps
Wall chest stretch
Skill/strengthWeighted dips 3 x 10
Weighted pull ups 3 x10

(build up in weight if capable)
WOD3 Rounds for time
50 Sit ups
50 Push ups
50 Sit ups
50 Air squats
50 Sit ups
50 Lunges
50 Sit ups
CooldownKneeling lat stretch
Downward dog hold
EquipmentBroomstick, foam roller, weight belt, pull up bar
Day 2 (W,M)
Warmup50m Crab walk
20 Barbell good mornings
MobilityRoll out quads
Standing hamstring stretch
Skill/strength5 Round bar complex
1 Power clean
2 Push presses
1 Cluster

(as heavy as possible)
WODFor time
60 Double unders
20 Wall balls
15 Deadlifts
(225# / 155#)
90 Double unders
20 Wall balls
15 Deadlifts
120 Double unders
20 Wall balls
15 Deadlifts
CooldownHurdle hamstring stretch
Wall calf stretch
EquipmentFoam roller, barbell, bumper plates, skipping rope, wall ball
Day 3 (G,W,M)
Warmup400m run
20 Kip swings
MobilityRoll out thoracic spine
20 shoulder dislocates
Skill/strengthSpend 20 min to find
1RM Snatch
WODFor time
1 mile Run
15 Hang power snatches (65# / 45#)
10 Power snatches (90# / 55#)
10 Handstand push ups
5 Full snatches (110# / 65#)
10 Bar muscle ups
1 mile Run
CooldownSpine lumber twist stretch
Roll out lats
EquipmentFoam roller, broomstick, barbell, bumper plates, pull up bar
Day 4 (REST)
Day 5 (G,W)
WarmupSki 20 cals
100 single skips
MobilityRoll out quads and lats
Roll out triceps on barbell
Skill/strengthSpend 20 min to find
1RM Clean and jerk
WOD5 Rounds for time
12 Handstand push ups
6 Power cleans
(155# / 100#)

rest 3 mins then…

4 rounds for time

25 Sit ups
15 KB swings
5 Ring muscle ups
CooldownBanded lat stretch
Couch stretch
EquipmentSki erg, skipping rope, pull up bar, foam roller, barbell, bumper plates, kettlebell
Day 6 (M)
Warmup400m Run
250m Row
MobilityRoll out quads and calves
Hurdle hamstring stretch
Skill/strengthSpend 20 min to find
1RM Deadlift
WOD5 rounds
1 min Assault bike (max effort)

(2 min rest between rounds)
CooldownPigeon stretch
Supine twists
Couch stretch
EquipmentBike, foam roller, barbell, bumper plates
Day 7 (REST)

DISCLAIMER: We are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with the CrossFit brand we illustrate, and those listed here on our site.



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Mike Julom, ACE CPT

Mike is an ACE Certified PT and a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer. He is an avid lover of all sports. Basketball, tennis, athletics, volleyball, soccer, squash, golf, table tennis, even darts, you name it! He's a very active CrossFit athlete and has been WOD'ing for over 7 years. With such an intense fitness regime, Mike has learned to take care of his body physically, nutritionally, and spiritually. Mike founded ThisIsWhyImFit as a way to share his vast knowledge of exercises, diets, and general fitness advice.

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    • Hi Mark, my apologies for getting back to you so late on this. Were you able to perform this program Rx? Or did you scale any of the workouts? If the latter, then I suggest doing the program again but all Rx. If you did them all Rx, then a massive pat on the back for you my friend – that is an amazing feat in itself.

      As for where to go from here, here are some options:

      – Assess the progress you’ve made over the 12 weeks to help in setting new goals. Are you looking to further increase strength, improve cardiovascular endurance, enhance flexibility, or focus on specific skills? From there you could consult a fitness pro to tailor a program for you?
      – Discuss your progress and future goals with a CrossFit coach or personal trainer. They can provide valuable insights into what areas you could focus on next and help to tailor a program that aligns with your new objectives.
      – Did you find any particular aspects of CrossFit you enjoyed more or excelled at, such as weightlifting, gymnastics elements, or metabolic conditioning? Maybe consider specializing in those areas? Do a weightlifting class perhaps?

      The world is your oyster brother! Keep up the great work!

    • Hello Mark, what I wanted to ask you, I want to start the 12-week program that you propose, but I want to do it at home. I don’t have much space and neither do I have an Olympic bar.
      How could I replace the exercises? Wall balls, Rows, Air bike, Ski Erg

      I have kettlebells of (12-16-20-24KG) + (2X 15KG Dumbbell), Ring Dips, Traction Bars, Elastic Bands of 60 KG and 45 KG

      Can you give me some alternatives, please?

      Thank you for your understanding

      • Hello Alex!

        Thanks for reaching out. Great to hear that you’re interested in starting our 12-week CrossFit program! Training at home can be very effective, especially when you have some equipment like you mentioned. Here are some alternatives for the exercises you mentioned:

        Wall Balls:
        – Replace with thrusters using your dumbbells or kettlebells. This movement will mimic the full-body engagement of wall balls.

        – You can perform bent-over rows with your dumbbells or kettlebells. If you have a place to secure a resistance band, you can also do banded rows.

        Air Bike:
        – Substitute with high knees, mountain climbers, or burpees to get your heart rate up. You can also use your kettlebells for Russian kettlebell swings as a cardio alternative.

        Ski Erg:
        – Use your resistance bands to simulate the ski erg motion. Secure the band above your head and pull down in a skiing motion. Alternatively, you can do V-ups or sit-ups for core conditioning.

        Given your available equipment, you can modify many workouts to fit your setup. Here’s a quick example of how you could adjust a workout:

        Original Workout:
        – 5 Rounds:
        – 15 wall balls
        – 15 cal row
        – 10 ring dips
        – 10 ski erg cals

        Modified Workout:
        – 5 Rounds:
        – 15 dumbbell thrusters
        – 15 bent-over rows with dumbbells
        – 10 ring dips
        – 10 band ski erg or V-ups

        Feel free to adjust the weights and repetitions according to your fitness level. The key is to keep the intensity high and maintain good form. If you have any more questions or need further modifications, don’t hesitate to ask. Good luck with your training!

        All the best!

  1. For Week 1, Day 2 is the 5×5 lunges 5 each leg? And for the 12 over head played lunges, is it 12 each leg or total? And is the weight for male a 95lb plate or 95lb barbell?

    • Hi Blake, apologies for the tardy reply there! These are extremely good questions from good observations, well done and thank you. Anyway, the dumbbell lunges is supposed to be 5 on EACH leg. Whereas in the actual WOD it is 12 TOTAL. Sorry for the confusion there.

      As for the weight, it should only be with a plate – it should be a 25lb plate, not 95lb – that’s my bad! Will fix it. Thanks again for spotting these. Good luck with the program!

      • Hi Mike, thanks for answering my question. I have found another question as I am working through the program: For week 2, day 3 (day 10 overall), what is the weight of the wall ball supposed to be? Also, week 2, day 2 (day 9 overall), the WOD was much too easy, can you confirm the reps/weights are correct as shown on the website/pdf?

      • Also, I didn’t realize that I didn’t answer your 2nd question. If you found the WOD too easy, then you’re an absolute beast. Reps and weight are definitely correct. As you progress through the program, however, you’ll realize they will eventually get more challenging. If not, then I may have to come up with another 12 week program for advance athletes such as yourself! Enjoy!

  2. For Week 8, Day 12: how many reps of Tabata, rows, tabata, and Burpees are we supposed to do? Same goes for week 5, day 12: no reps are indicated on those workouts in the skill/strength section

    • Hi Bob, so sorry for this extremely late reply! I hope you figured it out. But a Tabata workout consists of:

      8 rounds of:

    • 20 seconds work
    • 10 seconds rest
    • So basically for Tabata rows you would do:

      8 rounds of:

    • 20 seconds row
    • 10 seconds rest
    • Same with burpess:

      8 rounds of:

    • 20 seconds of burpees
    • 10 seconds rest
    • I hope that clarifies things!

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