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The Ultimate 12 Week Bodyweight Workout Plan (with PDF)

Welcome to the Ultimate 12 Week Bodyweight Workout Plan, designed to improve your control and connection with your body, while promoting strength, power, lean muscle growth, and balance.
This workout routine is for all fitness levels and is scalable from beginners to advanced.
That’s because no matter what level of competence you sit at, there is always something to learn about harnessing the control and connection you have with your bodyweight!
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The 12 Week Bodyweight Routine In a Nutshell
Program style | Bodyweight only |
Program structure | Split, Full body |
Program duration | 12 weeks |
Workout duration | 1 hour |
Scheduling | 4 days on, 3 days off |
Goal | Increase strength, conditioning, balance and body awareness |
Level | Beginners to advanced |
Equipment needed | Body Weight and basic support apparatus |
Benefits of Bodyweight Training
When it comes to physical performance, it is certainly impressive to be able to lift heavy objects or operate intricate equipment, but our most essential responsibility is having control over our bodies.
Bodyweight training the best way to exercise and improve body control – one of the core aspects this workout plan will be honing in on. However, there are other benefits to bodyweight training discussed below:
1. Improves functionality
Bodyweight exercises force you to use your entire body as a unit, even where certain body region splits are the main focus.
You also move in multiple planes of movement meaning your frontal (side to side) and well as sagittal planes of motion are engaged making you more functional.
2. Improves coordination and body awareness
Not only is bodyweight aptitude great for controlled performance, but it also helps decrease the risk of injury.
With a mastery of your own body weight comes improved functional mobility and strength & conditioning, both of which are pivotal in injury prevention.
Bodyweight control also reduces the risk of accidents because it improves coordination, body awareness and spacial awareness.
3. Inexpensive and accessible anywhere
Bodyweight training, as the name implies, only requires your body as training equipment. That means with consistency and some creativity, you can work out alost anywhere.
This level of accessibility and minimalism makes bodyweight training incredibly inexpensive.
Your only expenses will be the clothes on your back and the shoes on your feet.
4. Improves core strength
The best way to build core strength is through compound movement. Isolation exercises are great, but moving multiple functional systems is where it’s at.
Bodyweight training is compound by nature, so you will be continuously engaging your core and activating it in a functional way.
Its also a great way to build abs.
5. Builds muscle proportionately
Progression with bodyweight training also helps build a proportional muscle profile.
As mentioned, you will be engaging in compound exercises, meaning entire muscle systems are being engaged in coordinated efforts, these coordinated efforts lead to coordinated muscle gains.
A proportional physique allows you to build the optimal body for your genetic profile.
Workout Plan Structure
Over a 12 week period, you will engage your body through exercises across all planes of movement. Targeting every muscle group through functional mobility.
This method of training is designed to stimulate progressive strength and range of motion/flexibility (RoM).
A summary of workout plan structure:
Phase 1 | Week 1-4 | Introductory |
Phase 2 | Week 4-6 | Increase training frequency |
Phase 3 | Week 7-9 | Apply progressive overload |
Phase 4 | Week 10-12 | Apply progressive overload |
As previously mentioned, the scheduling used in this program will go by a 4-day on, 3-day active rest pattern, for a 7-day week.
The program design implements active rest so that you keep moving and improving while having the opportunity to recover appropriately for optimal outcomes.
In each phase, you will train 4 days a week for 3 weeks, and your workouts will be split into three or four muscle groups and movement systems.
In the second phase, weeks 4 to 6, we will implement a progressive increase in training frequency in order to double the neuromuscular demand and harness greater control of your body weight.
Phases 3 and 4 (weeks 7 to 9 and 10 to 12) will carry on the progression curve. This is referred to as Progressive Overload and is imperative for muscle growth.
The workout plan will be split as follows:
- Upper body push (triceps, front shoulders, and chest)
- Upper body pull (Biceps, rear shoulders, and upper back)
- Core/abs (Abs, Obliques, lower back, and hips)
- Lower body/legs (Quads, calves, hamstrings, and glutes)
This splits your training into the essential functional systems for a targeted approach, but also helps you workout through the week with recovery considered.
Your 7 day workout week will be punctuated by active rest days. These days will be aimed at promoting rest and engaging in activities that improve recovery.
With this in mind, each week will be structured as follows:
DAY 1 | Workout |
DAY 2 | Active rest |
DAY 3 | Workout |
DAY 4 | Active rest |
DAY 5 | Workout |
DAY 6 | Active rest |
DAY 7 | Workout |
Rep Scheme
Unlike many other workouts in our program catalog, your sets will be time-based as opposed to having a quantifiable rep range.
This is because bodyweight training aims to enhance your internal control and balance through complex, compound exercises which are often multi-planar in nature.
Bodyweight training also incorporates many isometric or static hold exercises which cannot be measured by a rep count since the goal is to minimize motion.
With this in mind, your rep scheme for phase 1 (weeks 1 to 3) will consist of 1-minute sets with 30-second rest periods.
The rep scheme for phase 2 (weeks 4 to 6) will consist of 1.5-minute sets with 45-second rest periods.
Phase 3 (weeks 7 to 9) will consist of 2-minute sets with 1-minute rest periods.
Finally, phase 4 (weeks 10 to 12) will consist of 2.5-minute sets with 90-second rest periods.
The first week may seem like less volume than you’re used to. But as the time under tension is high, recovery is important.
By phase 2 you should be feeling accustomed to your body control, while the physical challenge is still giving you a run for your money.
Active Rest Days
As previously suggested, each workout day will be followed by an active rest day which will incorporate recover promoting activities.
These activities include Low-Intensity Steady State Cardio (LISS) and a series of static stretches, each going for no more than 20 seconds per stretch.
Recovery is crucial in order for training adaptations to take form and for the anabolic process to take place.
The LISS cardio volume will increase by 5 minutes every 3 weeks for progressive cardiac conditioning.
That means by week 12, you will be doing 35 mins more cardio on average than when you started.
This is crucial to the development of an optimized mind-body connection due to the heightened demand for oxygen and nutrients that newly activated muscles and movement patterns will place on you.
The static stretching component allows for the maintenance of a smooth myofascial profile which means you’re limiting your susceptibility to knots and stiffness.
It also helps maintain and improve flexibility which increases the range of motion for maximum power output as well as decreases the risk of injury.
These are all important considerations, especially for bodyweight training since you are activating numerous interconnected compound regions of your body instead of training in isolated movement patterns.
Bodyweight training also places a more complete neuromuscular demand on the body than many lifting and isolation exercises, meaning you will need optimal flexibility and cardio conditioning to support your bodyweight training.
Nutrition is also an essential consideration. In many ways, nutrition is the most important element in achieving good results.
In order to optimise your bodyweight workouts, you need the correct fuel source to energize your activity. Consuming a moderate amount of low GI carbs as well as adequate hydration is a good starting point.
Supplementation with creatine will also help you boost your energy cycling and endurance, while offering long term muscle building potential.
A protein-focused diet will be your go-to dietary option. This will allow you to rebuild and recover optimally.
Hydration and sleep are also important factors and can’t be ignored if you want to maximize your bodyweight training results.
The 12 Week Bodyweight Workout Plan
Week 1-3
Day 1
Split | UPPER BODY (Chest & Triceps) |
Workout | 6 Rounds of: 1 min Tricep Dips 1 min Diamond Push-up 1 min Tricep Extension 1 min Decline Push-ups 1 min Push-Ups + Isometric Hold Rest 30 secs in between exercises |
Day 2
Split | ACTIVE REST / (Cardio conditioning, flexibility and recovery) |
Workout | 20 min Jog (LISS cardio) 1 min rest 2 sets of: 20 sec Upper Trapezius (Neck) Stretch 20 sec Overhead Triceps and Shoulder Stretch 20 sec Cross-Body Shoulder Stretch 20 sec Biceps Stretch 20 sec Reclined Spinal Twist 20 sec Chest Stretch |
Day 3
Split | UPPER BODY (Biceps & Back) |
Workout | 6 rounds of: 1 min Chin Ups 1 min Pullups (overhand grip) 1 min Dive-bomber Pushup 1 min Inverted Bar Rows 1 min Suspension Trainer Curls Rest 30 secs in between exercises |
Day 4
Split | ACTIVE REST (Cardio conditioning, flexibility and recovery) |
Workout | 20 min Row (LISS cardio) 1 min rest 2 sets of: 20 sec Upper Trapezius (Neck) Stretch 20-sec Overhead Triceps and Shoulder Stretch 20-sec Cross-Body Shoulder Stretch 20-sec Biceps Stretch 20-sec Reclined Spinal Twist 20-sec Chest Stretch |
Day 5
Split | LOWER BODY (Legs & Lower Back) |
Workout | 6 rounds of: 1 min Squats 1 min Split Lunges 1 min Froggers 1 min Front Lunges (Left) 1 min Front Lunges (Right) 1 min Side Lunge (Alternating) Rest 30 secs in between exercises |
Day 6
Split | ACTIVE REST (Cardio conditioning, flexibility and recovery) |
Workout | 20 min Row (LISS cardio) 1 min rest 2 sets of: 20 sec Wall Quadricep Stretch 20 sec Standing Hamstring Stretch 20 sec Calf Stretch 20 sec Adductor Stretch |
Muscles worked | Cardiovascular conditioning (Heart and blood vessels), Pulmonary Conditioning (Lungs and breathing) |
Day 7
Split | CORE / ABS |
Workout | 6 Rounds of: 1 min Elbow Plank 1 min Side Plank (Left) 1 min Side Plank (Right) 1 min Glute Bridge Swings 1 min Leg Raises 1 min V-ups Rest 30 secs in between exercises |
Week 4-6
Day 1
Split | UPPER BODY (Chest & Triceps) |
Workout | 6 Rounds of: 1.5 min Tricep Dips 1.5 min Diamond Push-up 1.5 min Tricep Extension 1.5 min Decline Push-ups 1.5 min Push-Ups + Isometric Hold Rest 30 secs in between exercises |
Day 2
Split | ACTIVE REST / (Cardio conditioning, flexibility and recovery) |
Workout | 25 min Jog (LISS cardio) 1 min rest 2 sets of: 20 sec Upper Trapezius (Neck) Stretch 20 sec Overhead Triceps and Shoulder Stretch 20 sec Cross-Body Shoulder Stretch 20 sec Biceps Stretch 20 sec Reclined Spinal Twist 20 sec Chest Stretch |
Day 3
Split | UPPER BODY (Biceps & Back) |
Workout | 6 rounds of: 1.5 min Chin Ups 1.5 min Pullups (overhand grip) 1.5 min Dive-bomber Pushup 1.5 min Inverted Bar Rows 1.5 min Suspension Trainer Curls Rest 30 secs in between exercises |
Day 4
Split | ACTIVE REST (Cardio conditioning, flexibility and recovery) |
Workout | 25 min Row (LISS cardio) 1 min rest 2 sets of: 20 sec Upper Trapezius (Neck) Stretch 20-sec Overhead Triceps and Shoulder Stretch 20-sec Cross-Body Shoulder Stretch 20-sec Biceps Stretch 20-sec Reclined Spinal Twist 20-sec Chest Stretch |
Day 5
Split | LOWER BODY (Legs & Lower Back) |
Workout | 6 rounds of: 1.5 min Squats 1.5 min Split Lunges 1.5 min Froggers 1.5 min Front Lunges (Left) 1.5 min Front Lunges (Right) 1.5 min Side Lunge (Alternating) Rest 45 secs in between exercises |
Day 6
Split | ACTIVE REST (Cardio conditioning, flexibility and recovery) |
Workout | 25 min Row (LISS cardio) 1 min rest 2 sets of: 20 sec Wall Quadricep Stretch 20 sec Standing Hamstring Stretch 20 sec Calf Stretch 20 sec Adductor Stretch |
Muscles worked | Cardiovascular conditioning (Heart and blood vessels), Pulmonary Conditioning (Lungs and breathing) |
Day 7
Split | CORE / ABS |
Workout | 6 Rounds of: 1.5 min Elbow Plank 1.5 min Side Plank (Left) 1.5 min Side Plank (Right) 1.5 min Glute Bridge Swings 1.5 min Leg Raises 1.5 min V-ups Rest 45 secs in between exercises |
Week 7-9
Day 1
Split | UPPER BODY (Chest & Triceps) |
Workout | 6 Rounds of: 2 min Tricep Dips 2 min Diamond Push-up 2 min Tricep Extension 2 min Decline Push-ups 2 min Push-Ups + Isometric Hold Rest 1 min in between exercises |
Day 2
Split | ACTIVE REST / (Cardio conditioning, flexibility and recovery) |
Workout | 30 min Jog (LISS cardio) 1 min rest 2 sets of: 20 sec Upper Trapezius (Neck) Stretch 20 sec Overhead Triceps and Shoulder Stretch 20 sec Cross-Body Shoulder Stretch 20 sec Biceps Stretch 20 sec Reclined Spinal Twist 20 sec Chest Stretch |
Day 3
Split | UPPER BODY (Biceps & Back) |
Workout | 6 rounds of: 2 min Chin Ups 2 min Pullups (overhand grip) 2 min Dive-bomber Pushup 2 min Inverted Bar Rows 2 min Suspension Trainer Curls Rest 1 min in between exercises |
Day 4
Split | ACTIVE REST (Cardio conditioning, flexibility and recovery) |
Workout | 30 min Row (LISS cardio) 1 min rest 2 sets of: 20 sec Upper Trapezius (Neck) Stretch 20-sec Overhead Triceps and Shoulder Stretch 20-sec Cross-Body Shoulder Stretch 20-sec Biceps Stretch 20-sec Reclined Spinal Twist 20-sec Chest Stretch |
Day 5
Split | LOWER BODY (Legs & Lower Back) |
Workout | 6 rounds of: 2 min Squats 2 min Split Lunges 2 min Froggers 2 min Front Lunges (Left) 2 min Front Lunges (Right) 2 min Side Lunge (Alternating) Rest 1 min in between exercises |
Day 6
Split | ACTIVE REST (Cardio conditioning, flexibility and recovery) |
Workout | 30 min Row (LISS cardio) 1 min rest 2 sets of: 20 sec Wall Quadricep Stretch 20 sec Standing Hamstring Stretch 20 sec Calf Stretch 20 sec Adductor Stretch |
Muscles worked | Cardiovascular conditioning (Heart and blood vessels), Pulmonary Conditioning (Lungs and breathing) |
Day 7
Split | CORE / ABS |
Workout | 6 Rounds of: 2 min Elbow Plank 2 min Side Plank (Left) 2 min Side Plank (Right) 2 min Glute Bridge Swings 2 min Leg Raises 2 min V-ups Rest 1 min in between exercises |
Week 10-12
Day 1
Split | UPPER BODY (Chest & Triceps) |
Workout | 6 Rounds of: 2.5 min Tricep Dips 2.5 min Diamond Push-up 2.5 min Tricep Extension 2.5 min Decline Push-ups 2.5 min Push-Ups + Isometric Hold Rest 90 secs in between exercises |
Day 2
Split | ACTIVE REST / (Cardio conditioning, flexibility and recovery) |
Workout | 35 min Jog (LISS cardio) 1 min rest 2 sets of: 20 sec Upper Trapezius (Neck) Stretch 20 sec Overhead Triceps and Shoulder Stretch 20 sec Cross-Body Shoulder Stretch 20 sec Biceps Stretch 20 sec Reclined Spinal Twist 20 sec Chest Stretch |
Day 3
Split | UPPER BODY (Biceps & Back) |
Workout | 6 rounds of: 2.5 min Chin Ups 2.5 min Pullups (overhand grip) 2.5 min Dive-bomber Pushup 2.5 min Inverted Bar Rows 2.5 min Suspension Trainer Curls Rest 90 secs in between exercises |
Day 4
Split | ACTIVE REST (Cardio conditioning, flexibility and recovery) |
Workout | 35 min Row (LISS cardio) 1 min rest 2 sets of: 20 sec Upper Trapezius (Neck) Stretch 20-sec Overhead Triceps and Shoulder Stretch 20-sec Cross-Body Shoulder Stretch 20-sec Biceps Stretch 20-sec Reclined Spinal Twist 20-sec Chest Stretch |
Day 5
Split | LOWER BODY (Legs & Lower Back) |
Workout | 6 rounds of: 2.5 min Squats 2.5 min Split Lunges 2.5 min Froggers 2.5 min Front Lunges (Left) 2.5 min Front Lunges (Right) 2.5 min Side Lunge (Alternating) Rest 90 secs in between exercises |
Day 6
Split | ACTIVE REST (Cardio conditioning, flexibility and recovery) |
Workout | 35 min Row (LISS cardio) 1 min rest 2 sets of: 20 sec Wall Quadricep Stretch 20 sec Standing Hamstring Stretch 20 sec Calf Stretch 20 sec Adductor Stretch |
Muscles worked | Cardiovascular conditioning (Heart and blood vessels), Pulmonary Conditioning (Lungs and breathing) |
Day 7
Split | CORE / ABS |
Workout | 6 Rounds of: 2.5 min Elbow Plank 2.5 min Side Plank (Left) 2.5 min Side Plank (Right) 2.5 min Glute Bridge Swings 2.5 min Leg Raises 2.5 min V-ups Rest 90 secs in between exercises |
Will This Workout Routine Help Me Build Muscle?
Hypertrophy, the growth of muscle is a response to mechanical stress placed by resistance.
These bodyweight workouts count as resistance training so the outcome will naturally lead to muscle growth if all other things such as nutrition and recovery are correctly considered.
No matter what it is, any form of resistance against muscular contraction will lead to growth if enough time under enough tension is placed.
In this case, your body is essentially your workout equipment and will rise to the occasion if you follow this program persistently and consistently.
The Value of Nutrition
As already mentioned, nutrition is the key to progress. If you want to perform optimally and gain lean mass, your diet is important to manage.
Because your training will place a higher metabolic demand on your body, you will need to increase your overall caloric intake, especially with muscle growth as a goal.
Aside from caloric intake, an increase in protein is essential. Make sure you consume complete protein sources, with special consideration to the inclusion of BCAAs. These are three of the nine essential amino acids responsible for muscle growth and performance.
Lastly, make sure you drink plenty of water. Hydration is essential for basic life but also plays an important role in exercise and recovery.