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100 Amazing CrossFit Workouts for Beginners (with PDF)

As a beginner in the world of CrossFit, it’s easy to feel intimidated by the countless number of shirtless buff dudes and chiseled dudettes throwing around insane weights at the local box. If only there were some CrossFit workouts that beginners could do to get better at this darn functional fitness phenomenon without feeling so puny and useless…
Well, well, well, funny you ask that because, no too long ago, we decided to create a collection of CrossFit workouts tailored specifically for beginners; and anyone thinking about taking the plunge for that matter!
We know exactly how scary it is to see movements like double unders, muscle ups, and handstand push ups written on the white board – you’re not doing any of those. The WODs in this list have been designed to be fully accessible and dummy-proof. That way, you too can do CrossFit to the fullest, shirtless even, without having to worry about feeling like you don’t belong.
We also offer the workouts in a downloadable and printable PDF format so that you can take them with you wherever you go.
Jump to the list of workouts.
Workout Plan Structure
When devising this list, we made sure that beginners were the priority. This meant that every single one of these workouts will be do-able by someone who just started or is thinking about starting.
At the same time, we found it imperative that we preserve the fundamental trait that makes the discipline of CrossFit so unique: constantly varied functional movements done at high intensity. The workouts all satisfy the following criteria:
- Promotes new skill development
- Combines multiple exercise modalities
- Includes technical movements, and
- Activates all 3 metabolic pathways
Movements Used in the Workouts
As a beginner, we discourage any attempts of any movements that require tremendous amount of skill, technique, and strength to execute. So movements like barbell snatches, barbell clean and jerks, handstand push ups, double unders, rope climbs, ARE ALL NOT INCLUDED. Instead, they’ve either been removed or replace with a scaled version.
Below are the list of movements that are included in the workouts, categorised into their respective modalities:
Gymnastics | Metabolic Conditioning | Weightlifting |
Air Squats Pull-ups Push-ups Dips Pike push ups Sit-ups Box Jumps Lunges Hanging knee raises | Run Bike Row Single skips Wall Balls Burpees | Back Squats Front Squats Goblet squats Deadlifts Dumbbell cleans Presses Dumbbell snatches Medicine Ball Drills Kettlebell Swings Dumbbell thrusters Sumo deadlift high-pulls Man makers |
Each modality on their own improves one’s fitness capabilities in different ways. But as a combination, they form a potent mix that will help increase agility, bodyweight control, coordination, cardio capacity, and strength and power.
If you’re still unsure that you can execute any of these moves or don’t have the appropriate equipment, you could perhaps first try some beginner CrossFit workouts that can be done at home.
Can I scale the WODs in this list?
Yes of course! Not everyone will be at the same level of abilities, even as beginners, and we would prefer that you did not miss any of the workouts if possible. So if there are any movements that you think you can’t do, then by all means scale it.
On the other hand, if you wanted to go the other way and perform more advanced movements or go heavier, go for it! But remember, these workouts were designed specifically for beginners and with safety in mind, so please consult a certified coach for advice.
The Workouts
WOD #1: | WOD #2: | WOD #3: |
Every 5 mins for 4 rounds 3 deadlifts (60/40) 6 push up 9 air squat Rest 1 min | For time 50 overhead plate lunges (10/5) 10 renegade rows 40 O/h plate lunges 8 renegade rows 30 O/h plate lunges 6 renegade rows 20 O/h plate lunges 4 renegade rows 10 O/h plate lunges 2 renegade rows | 15 min AMRAP 2 man makers (12.5/7.5) 10 deadlifts (50/30) 200m run |
WOD #4: | WOD #5: | WOD #6: |
5 rounds for time 20 Wall balls 10 Box jumps 20 Sit ups | For time 65 wall balls (14/10) 75 single skips 10 goblet squats (24/16) 800m run 10 goblet squats 65 single skips 75 wall balls | 3 rounds for time 400m run 20 ring rows |
WOD #7: | WOD #8: | WOD #9: |
12 min AMRAP 5 Deadlifts (70/50) 10 Bench presses 15 Push ups | 800m Run 40 air Squats 30 sit ups 20 burpees 10 pull ups 800m Run | 3 rounds for time 10 box jumps 20 sit ups 30 goblet squats 200m run |
WOD #10: | WOD #11: | WOD #12: |
200 Single skips 100 Sit ups 100 Air squats 50 Burpees | 8 min AMRAP 9 burpee step ups (24/20) 18 KB swings (16/12) | 15 min AMRAP 8 hanging knee raises 8 DB lunges (10/5) 8 DB push press |
WOD #13: | WOD #14: | WOD #15: |
5 rounds for time 12 Band assisted pull ups 18 Wall balls | Tabata burpees | 14 min AMRAP 10 ring rows 8 DB cleans 3 deadball over shoulder |
WOD #16: | WOD #17: | WOD #18: |
14 min AMRAP 50 Single skips 12 Sumo deadlift high pulls (30/20) 8 KB swings (20/12) | 4 rounds for time 10 air squats 10 sit ups 10 push ups 10 ring rows 10 burpees | 10 min AMRAP 20 DB lunges 30 sit ups |
WOD #19: | WOD #20: | WOD #21: |
For time 800m run 50 ring rows 100 push ups 150 squats 800m run | 12 min AMRAP 18 KB sumo deadlift high pulls (20/12) 100m sprint 18 KB swings 100m sprint | 10-8-6-4-2 Burpees Deadlifts (70/40) 200m rum |
WOD #22: | WOD #23: | WOD #24: |
30 min AMRAP 500m row 50 Steps ups 100 Single skips | 15 sit ups 50 push ups 15 sit ups 50 air squats 15 sit ups 50 lunges 15 sit ups | For time 45 hanging knee raises 45 KB swings 45 med ball cleans 150 single skips |
WOD #25: | WOD #26: | WOD #27: |
20min AMRAP 30 sit ups 15 box jumps 5 DB push presses (15/7.5) | 10 rounds for time 2 deadlifts (80/50) 5 bar facing burpees 30 single skips | 5 rounds for time 10 push ups 20 ring rows 30 sit ups 40 air squats |
WOD #28: | WOD #29: | WOD #30: |
3 min AMRAP 10 ring rows 10 burpees 10 KB swings (20/12) Max effort jumping lunge holding medball Rest 1 min Repeat for 5 rounds | 12 min AMRAP 20 medball cleans (14/10) 8 devil presses | 15 min AMRAP 50 single skips 10 sumo deadlift high pulls (40/5) 10 burpees 200m run |
WOD #31: | WOD #32: | WOD #33: |
8 rounds for time 8 burpees 100m run 8 goblet squats 100m run | 20 min AMRAP 20 sit ups 20 DB snatches 20 burpees 40 single skips | 15 min AMRAP 30 wall balls 20 sit ups 10 sumo deadlift high pulls (40/30) |
WOD #34: | WOD #35: | WOD #36: |
For time 75 wall balls 150 sit ups 75 wall balls | 15 min AMRAP 20 jumping lunges 10 cal bike 50 single skips 5 plate thrusters (10/5) | For time 50 box jumps 50 cal row 50 burpees |
WOD #37: | WOD #38: | WOD #39: |
15-12-9-6-3 DB burpees DB thrusters | 4 rounds for time 10 knee raises 15 overhead plate lunges (10/5) 20 mountain climbers | 5 rounds for time 50m KB farmers carry (16/12) 50m KB front rack carry 400m run |
WOD #40: | WOD #41: | WOD #42: |
10 min AMRAP 12 KB swings (20/12) 12 push ups 12 ring rows | 15 Rounds 5 wall balls 1 man maker (12.5/7.5) | 14 min AMRAP 400m run 30 overhead plate lunges (10/5) 30 sit ups |
WOD #43: | WOD #44: | WOD #45: |
12 min AMRAP 12 x plate overhead lunge (10/5) 15 x pike push ups 60 x single skips | 2 rounds for time 20 box jumps 20 DB box step overs | 2 rounds for time 50 hanging knee raises 50 box jumps 800m run |
WOD #46: | WOD #47: | WOD #48: |
For time 100 cals bike 100 cals ski 100 cals rower 7 burpees every 2 mins | 3 rounds for time 400m run 15 knee raises 10 KB swings | 2 rounds for time 30 burpees 25 KB swings (24/16) 20 ring rows 15 hollow rocks |
WOD #49: | WOD #50: | WOD #51: |
10 min AMRAP 20 KB swings 20 sit ups 20 jumping lunges | 21-15-9 DB deadlifts DB push presses | 3 rounds for time 21 wall balls 15 ring rows 9 DB push presses (15/10) |
WOD #52: | WOD #53: | WOD #54: |
12 min AMRAP 10 DB box step over (12.5/7.5) 15 box jumps 20 mountain climbers | For 20 minsMin 1 – AMRAP wall balls Min 2 – AMRAP push ups Min 3 – AMRAP burpees Min 4 – plank Min 5 – rest Repeat for 4 rounds | 4 rounds for time 30 air squats 400m run 30 jumping lunges |
WOD #55: | WOD #56: | WOD #57: |
3 rounds for time 12 renegade row (15/10) 800m run | 6 rounds for time 200m run 10 KB swings 10 sit ups | For time 2 consecutive double unders 15 hanging knee raises 20 KB swings 30 overhead plate lunges (10/5) 30 sit ups 30 KB sumo deadlift high pulls |
WOD #58: | WOD #59: | WOD #60: |
10 min AMRAP 80 single skips 20 DB snatch (15/10) 10 burpees over DB | Tabata KB swings KB lunges | Tabata Burpee box jump overs Devil presses (12.5/7.5) |
WOD #61: | WOD #62: | WOD #63: |
50 cal row 50 devil presses 50 sit ups 50 cal bike | For time 20 back squats (50/30) 1.6km run 20 back squats | For max reps 1 min goblet squats (16/12) 1 min ring rows 1 min burpees 1 min single skips Rest 1 min Repeat for 4 rounds |
WOD #64: | WOD #65: | WOD #66: |
12 min AMRAP 8 sumo deadlift high pull (60/40) 30 sit ups 100m overhead plate carry (10/5) | 20min AMRAP 10 pike push ups 5 hanging knee raises 20 KB swings (16/12) 5 hanging knee raises 40 single skips | 3 rounds for time 50 KB lunges (12/8) 50 wall balls 500m row |
WOD #67: | WOD #68: | WOD #69: |
3 rounds for time 20 right arm overhead DB lunge (15/10) 10 knee raises 20 left arm overhead DB lunge 10 band assisted pull ups | Double tabata (40 secs work, 20 secs rest) Sit ups Hanging knee raises Plank | For time 200 single skips 100 KB swings (12/8) 100 single skips 60 DB push presses (10/5) |
WOD #70: | WOD #71: | WOD #72: |
3 rounds for time 100 single skips 50 air squats 25 deadlifts (50/30) | 10-1 Deadball slams Deadball lunges | 5 rounds for time 20 deadball lunges 5 man makers (12.5/7.5)) 10 cal bike sprint |
WOD #73: | WOD #74: | WOD #75: |
10 min AMRAP 7 pull ups 10 push ups 7 wall balls | 40 DB push presses (12.5/7.5) 30 hand release push ups 20 hanging knee raises 10 pull ups 20 hanging knee raises 30 hand release push ups 40 DB push presses | 4 rounds for time 400m run 15 KB swings (16/12) 20 sit ups 12 hanging knee raises |
WOD #76: | WOD #77: | WOD #78: |
3 rounds for time 5 back squats (off the rack) 10 Knee raises 15 DB snatch (15/10) | 3 rounds for time 50 single skips 12 deadlifts (60/40) 400m run 100m waiters carry (10/5) | For time 75 KB swings (16/12) 50 box jump overs 25 DB cleans (15/10) 50 box jump overs 75 KB swings |
WOD #79: | WOD #80: | WOD #81: |
2 rounds for time 40 air squats 30 burpees 25 KB swing (16/8) 15 ring rows | For 10 min 20 DB snatches (12.5/7.5) 10 burpee box jumps | 20 min AMRAP 6 devils presses (10/5) 8 DB thrusters 10 x TTB 12 x walking lunges |
WOD #82: | WOD #83: | WOD #84: |
3 rounds for time 30 wall balls 20 knee raises 10 overhead plate lunge (10/5) | 4 rounds for time 12 strict presses (10/5) 200m run 12 hanging knee raises 200m run | 27-21-15-9 Wall balls Ring rows |
WOD #85: | WOD #86: | WOD #87: |
5 rounds for time 20 goblet squats (12/6) 20 KB swings 200m run | For time 40 front squats (bar only) 1 min double under attempts 30 x squat 1 min double under attempts 20 x squat 1 min double under attempts 10 x squat 1 min double under attempts | 3 min AMRAP 10 DB push presses (12.5/7.5) 20 sit ups 30 single skips Rest 1 min Repeat for 4 rounds |
WOD #88: | WOD #89: | WOD #90: |
Every 5 mins for 5 rounds 15 pull ups 15 push ups 15 air squats Max effort devils presses Rest 90 secs | 15 min AMRAP 20 KB swings (16/12) 20 air squats 20 KB lunges | 12 min AMRAP 5 deadlifts (70/50) 10 hand release push ups 15 sit ups |
WOD #91: | WOD #92: | WOD #93: |
12 min AMRAP 8 pike push ups 16 wall balls 40 single skips | 4 rounds for time 80 single skips 10 renegade rows (15/10) 80 single skips 10 sumo deadlift high pulls (30/20) | In 4 mins perform 16 DB squat cleans 16 DB box step overs 16 DB lunges Max burpees in remainder Rest 1 min Repeat for 4 rounds |
WOD #94: | WOD #95: | WOD #96: |
12 min AMRAP 2 devil presses 8 jumping lunges 8 kB swing (16/8) | 10 min AMRAP 30 overhead plate lunges (10/5) 20 hand release push ups 10 DB snatches | For time 70 single skips 50 goblet squats (12/8) 30 hanging knee raises 10 DB push presses (12.5/7.5) 5 DB thrusters 10 DB push presses 30 hanging knee raises 50 goblet squats 70 single skips |
WOD #97: | WOD #66: | WOD #99: |
5 rounds for time 5 medball cleans (14/10) 10 burpees over DB 15 wall balls | For time 50 hanging knee raises 5 deadball cleans 50 KB swings 5 deadball cleans 25 burpees 5 deadball cleans 25 hollow rocks 5 deadball cleans 25 sit ups 5 deadball cleans | In 3 mins perform 20 DB snatches (15/10) 10 ring rows Max wall balls in remainder Rest 2 min Repeat for 4 rounds |
WOD #100: | ||
For time 40 deadlifts (30/20) 15 x bar facing burpees 30 deadlifts (40/30) 15 x bar facing burpees 20 deadlifts (50/40) 15 x bar facing burpees 10 deadliftss (60/50) |
Will These Workouts Help Me Build Muscle?
Look at these buff dudes below. Look at em, just look at em! Ok stop. No, these workouts will definitely not make you look like them. But they will walk you down the path that will help give you the tools and foundational skills and strength to be able to potentially look like them… key word POTENTIALLY!

The guy in the middle is Rich Froning, arguably the greatest CrossFitter to ever live, won the CrossFit Games 4 times in a row. The guy on the left, Matt Chan and the tank on the right, Jason Khalipa (also a CrossFit games champ) are also both seasoned CrossFit athletes.
But you don’t have to win the CrossFit games 4 times in a row to look like them. Consistency is key and having the list of CrossFit workouts we devised by your side will help you get part of the way.
CrossFit incorporates a plethora of traditional and Olympic weightlifting methodologies as part of its training as well as plenty of bodyweight and calisthenics type exercises that all lead to muscle gains and lean bulk.
This list of workouts, although limited in its movements, still provide the basic fundamentals that will lead to increased hypertrophy and cardio capacity.
DISCLAIMER: We are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with the CrossFit brand we illustrate, and those listed here on our site.
Absolutely love this. I know it’s an older post but I’m curious, is there an intermediate list?
Hi Mark! Glad you enjoyed this! And very proud you were able to get through all 100 workouts!
With regards to an intermediate version, unfortunately, we don’t have one just yet. However, if you’re keen, you can try the 12 Week Program I curated myself which has more challenging workouts. It might be a little more on the advanced side rather than intermediate but it may be something you could try? Let me know how you go!